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Plants For Bees

Plants and Bees and Pollination

Many plants require pollination from the wind, if self pollinated but more usually, plants and birds, insects, including Bees, Bumble Bees, Wasps, Moths, Butterflies, Beetles all help with pollination.






Without plant fertilization, we would not have such diversity of food.  The fruits, vegetables, nuts, pulses, tubers, grains, flowers, trees  all most all about 70% require pollination. 


As well as us our meat diet would not be as rich or nutritious. Our herds of sheep, cows, pigs, and other herbivores also benefit and rely upon plants to fertilization to grow and multiply in any numbers.

Plants have developed a symbiosis with animals and have come to rely on each other to survive.

What about the birds and bees??

Many birds and insects have come to rely on plants and flowers producing pollen, nectar and sap. The nectar and sap are rewards for moving the pollen from the Male 

Why do we need Pollination??

Birds and the Bees

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